Customer Survey

Please help us improve!

Customer satisfaction is a priority to us, and we are determined to constantly improve our services.

Any information given will be treated on a confidential basis. 

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Customer survey
Please rate Silixa’s HSE awareness, attitude, and initiative throughout the project lifecycle.
0 — 
10 — 
Please rate the staffing of the project in terms of adequate numbers, competencies, experience and general performance.
0 — 
10 — 
Please rate the effectiveness of Silixa’s planning, preparation and execution of the project.
0 — 
10 — 
Please rate the Product or Data Quality ultimately delivered by Silixa.
0 — 
10 — 
Please rate the value to your operations provided by Silixa’s solutions, in terms of financial returns, innovation, safety improvements.
0 — 
10 —