Silixa's CCUS monitoring solution

Silixa is proud to be sponsoring and presenting at the 2nd UK CCUS and Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit

Silixa is proud to be sponsoring the UK CCUS and Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit on 1–2 September 2021 in Birmingham, UK. The event will focus on how to determine strategies for greater decarbonisation of the energy intensive and enhance collaboration and innovation between 300+ government officials, regulators, key industry stake holders, leading academia and service companies.

Glynn Williams, Silixa’s CEO, will present on  Carina® CarbonSecure™, the proven distributed sensing-based carbon capture and storage (CCS) monitoring solution that allows a step change in the reduction of monitoring costs.

At geological storage sites, a permanent fibre optic cable installed in a CO2 injection or observation well can deliver on-demand high-resolution seismic data to confirm the location of injected CO2, so operational injection decisions can be made with confidence. The system’s high sensitivity eliminates the need for large seismic sources; making it more cost-effective and environmentally acceptable than traditional seismic methods.

During the injection process, the same fibre optic cable can passively monitor the area for small seismic events, termed microseismicity. The ground-breaking high sensitivity of the system also enables slow strain monitoring. Large strain variations and microseismicity during the injection process can indicate high pressure levels that lead to fracturing, potential leakage pathways for CO2. Delivering real-time data that pre-warns of such events is crucial. This is the capability offered by fibre optic sensing.

In summary, the system provides continuous long-term monitoring both near surface and throughout the entire CO2 storage site. On-demand time-lapse seismic data delivers information about the evolution of the CO2 plume in time and in addition it provides assurance on the integrity of the caprock and the well, ensuring maximum safety of any storage facility.

For more information please contact us.

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2nd UK CCUS and Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit