Silixa at AGU 20419

Silixa presenting at AGU’s Fall Meeting in San Francisco on 9–13 December 2019

Join our presentation on Shallow seismic methods for monitoring soil structure on canal erosion using Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) at AGU in San Francisco on 9 December 2019.

The presentation will detail a case study on leakage detection where the leakage occurs through the protective clay layer lining the water bottom of canals. In order to maintain and improve the quality of water ways, understanding of the surface water – groundwater – sediment — subsurface interaction is important. Fibre Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) has been demonstrated to be capable of dense spatial sampling in order to determine small scale geological and geotechnical characterisation in the shallow subsurface.

The results of the case study indicate that fibre-optic distributed sensing can be a future toolkit for sediment related applications, such us sediment transport and canal lining erosion detection.

Full details:

Session: H11D. Advances in Subsurface Characterization and Monitoring Using Geophysical and Hydrogeological Methods I
Presentation Type: Oral
Final Paper Number: H11D-06
Day/Time: Monday, 9 December 2019: 08:00 — 10:00, Moscone West, 2022–2024, L2

Further Silixa-affiliated presentations:

S11F-0388 — Addressing Processing Challenges for Fibre-Optic DAS Recordings of Microseimic Events in Anisotropic Media

S11F-0389 — Conventional Filtering and Picking Methodologies Applied to DAS Microseismic Data

For more information please contact us.